Source code for bootstrap3.templatetags.bootstrap3

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import re
from math import floor

from django import template
from django.template.loader import get_template

from ..bootstrap import css_url, javascript_url, jquery_url
from ..forms import (render_button, render_field, render_field_and_label,
                     render_form, render_form_group, render_formset,
from ..icons import render_icon
from ..templates import handle_var, parse_token_contents

register = template.Library()

[docs]def bootstrap_jquery_url(): """ **Tag name**:: bootstrap_jquery_url Return the full url to jQuery file to use Default value: ``//`` this value is configurable, see Settings section **usage**:: {% bootstrap_jquery_url %} **example**:: {% bootstrap_jquery_url %} """ return jquery_url()
[docs]def bootstrap_javascript_url(): """ Return the full url to FIXTHIS Default value: ``None`` this value is configurable, see Settings section **Tag name**:: bootstrap_javascript_url **usage**:: {% bootstrap_javascript_url %} **example**:: {% bootstrap_javascript_url %} """ return javascript_url()
[docs]def bootstrap_css_url(): """ Return the full url to FIXTHIS Default value: ``None`` this value is configurable, see Settings section **Tag name**:: bootstrap_css_url **usage**:: {% bootstrap_css_url %} **example**:: {% bootstrap_css_url %} """ return css_url()
[docs]def bootstrap_css(): """ Return HTML for Bootstrap CSS Adjust url in settings. If no url is returned, we don't want this statement to return any HTML. This is intended behavior. Default value: ``FIXTHIS`` this value is configurable, see Settings section **Tag name**:: bootstrap_css **usage**:: {% bootstrap_css %} **example**:: {% bootstrap_css %} """ url = bootstrap_css_url() if url: # return '<link href="{url}" rel=stylesheet media=screen>'.format(url=url)
[docs]def bootstrap_javascript(jquery=False): """ Return HTML for Bootstrap JavaScript Adjust url in settings. If no url is returned, we don't want this statement to return any HTML. This is intended behavior. Default value: ``None`` this value is configurable, see Settings section **Tag name**:: bootstrap_javascript **Parameters**: :jquery: True to include jquery FIXTHIS **usage**:: {% bootstrap_javascript FIXTHIS %} **example**:: {% bootstrap_javascript FIXTHIS %} """ javascript = '' # No async on scripts, not mature enough. See issue #52 and #56 if jquery: url = bootstrap_jquery_url() if url: javascript += '<script src="{url}"></script>'.format(url=url) url = bootstrap_javascript_url() if url: javascript += '<script src="{url}"></script>'.format(url=url) return javascript
[docs]def bootstrap_formset(*args, **kwargs): """ Render a formset **Tag name**:: bootstrap_formset **Parameters**: :args: :kwargs: **usage**:: {% bootstrap_formset formset FIXTHIS %} **example**:: {% bootstrap_formset formset FIXTHIS %} """ return render_formset(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def bootstrap_form(*args, **kwargs): """ Render a form **Tag name**:: bootstrap_form **Parameters**: :args: :kwargs: **usage**:: {% bootstrap_form form FIXTHIS %} **example**:: {% bootstrap_form form FIXTHIS %} """ return render_form(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def bootstrap_field(*args, **kwargs): """ Render a field **Tag name**:: bootstrap_field **Parameters**: :args: :kwargs: **usage**:: {% bootstrap_field form_field FIXTHIS %} **example**:: {% bootstrap_form form_field FIXTHIS %} """ return render_field(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def bootstrap_label(*args, **kwargs): """ Render a label **Tag name**:: bootstrap_label **Parameters**: :args: :kwargs: **usage**:: {% bootstrap_label FIXTHIS %} **example**:: {% bootstrap_label FIXTHIS %} """ return render_label(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def bootstrap_button(*args, **kwargs): """ Render a button **Tag name**:: bootstrap_button **Parameters**: :args: :kwargs: **usage**:: {% bootstrap_button FIXTHIS %} **example**:: {% bootstrap_button FIXTHIS %} """ return render_button(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def bootstrap_icon(icon): """ Render an icon **Tag name**:: bootstrap_icon **Parameters**: :icon: icon name **usage**:: {% bootstrap_icon "icon_name" %} **example**:: {% bootstrap_icon "star" %} """ return render_icon(icon)
[docs]def bootstrap_buttons(parser, token): """ Render buttons for form **Tag name**:: bootstrap_buttons **Parameters**: :parser: :token: **usage**:: {% bootstrap_buttons FIXTHIS %} **example**:: {% bootstrap_buttons FIXTHIS %} """ kwargs = parse_token_contents(parser, token) kwargs['nodelist'] = parser.parse(('endbuttons', )) parser.delete_first_token() return ButtonsNode(**kwargs)
class ButtonsNode(template.Node): def __init__(self, nodelist, args, kwargs, asvar, **kwargs2): self.nodelist = nodelist self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.asvar = asvar def render(self, context): output_kwargs = {} for key in self.kwargs: output_kwargs[key] = handle_var(self.kwargs[key], context) buttons = [] submit = output_kwargs.get('submit', None) reset = output_kwargs.get('reset', None) if submit: buttons.append(bootstrap_button(submit, 'submit')) if reset: buttons.append(bootstrap_button(reset, 'reset')) buttons = ' '.join(buttons) + self.nodelist.render(context) output_kwargs.update({ 'label': None, 'field': buttons, }) output = render_form_group(render_field_and_label(**output_kwargs)) if self.asvar: context[self.asvar] = output return '' else: return output @register.simple_tag(takes_context=True)
[docs]def bootstrap_messages(context, *args, **kwargs): """ Show django.contrib.messages Messages in Bootstrap alert containers **Tag name**:: bootstrap_messages **Parameters**: :context: :args: :kwargs: **usage**:: {% bootstrap_messages FIXTHIS %} **example**:: {% bootstrap_messages FIXTHIS %} """ return get_template('bootstrap3/messages.html').render(context)
[docs]def bootstrap_pagination(page, **kwargs): """ Render pagination for a page **Tag name**:: bootstrap_pagination **Parameters**: :page: :kwargs: **usage**:: {% bootstrap_pagination FIXTHIS %} **example**:: {% bootstrap_pagination FIXTHIS %} """ pagination_kwargs = kwargs.copy() pagination_kwargs['page'] = page return get_pagination_context(**pagination_kwargs)
def get_pagination_context(page, pages_to_show=11, url=None, size=None, extra=None): """ Generate Bootstrap pagination context from a page object """ pages_to_show = int(pages_to_show) if pages_to_show < 1: raise ValueError("Pagination pages_to_show should be a positive " + "integer, you specified {pages}".format(pages=pages_to_show)) num_pages = page.paginator.num_pages current_page = page.number half_page_num = int(floor(pages_to_show / 2)) - 1 if half_page_num < 0: half_page_num = 0 first_page = current_page - half_page_num if first_page <= 1: first_page = 1 if first_page > 1: pages_back = first_page - half_page_num if pages_back < 1: pages_back = 1 else: pages_back = None last_page = first_page + pages_to_show - 1 if pages_back is None: last_page += 1 if last_page > num_pages: last_page = num_pages if last_page < num_pages: pages_forward = last_page + half_page_num if pages_forward > num_pages: pages_forward = num_pages else: pages_forward = None if first_page > 1: first_page -= 1 if pages_back is not None and pages_back > 1: pages_back -= 1 else: pages_back = None pages_shown = [] for i in range(first_page, last_page + 1): pages_shown.append(i) # Append proper character to url if url: # Remove existing page GET parameters url = unicode(url) url = re.sub(r'\?page\=[^\&]+', '?', url) url = re.sub(r'\&page\=[^\&]+', '', url) # Append proper separator if '?' in url: url += '&' else: url += '?' # Append extra string to url if extra: if not url: url = '?' url += unicode(extra) + '&' if url: url = url.replace('?&', '?') # Set CSS classes,see pagination_css_classes = ['pagination'] if size == 'small': pagination_css_classes.append('pagination-sm') elif size == 'large': pagination_css_classes.append('pagination-lg') # Build context object return { 'bootstrap_pagination_url': url, 'num_pages': num_pages, 'current_page': current_page, 'first_page': first_page, 'last_page': last_page, 'pages_shown': pages_shown, 'pages_back': pages_back, 'pages_forward': pages_forward, 'pagination_css_classes': ' '.join(pagination_css_classes), }